Friday 16 January 2009

Friday - 11 days to go

(but I am not counting - honest)!!!

After being awake all night Tue - Wed, the last two nights have been fairly settled, albeit I have been worried that I would not get to sleep. In the end though I managed to get two full nights sleep. I am still waking up in the morning almost as tired as I have been going to bed, but there you go.

I have taken this week off work and I am glad that I have done so. I am not sure how I would be getting through the day. I suppose that it is not so much the during the day bit, but rather how I would feel in the evening and also by this time at the end of the week. I don't know how much I have in the way of energy reserves.

I have one more dose of the steroid to go - sometime this afternoon, For the fist four cycles I was taking it at the same time as the evening chemo dose and I that, I am not sure, was one of the main cause of my sleeplessness at night. When I saw the consultant at the half way point, he suggested that I took the steroid during the day - not quite so convenient, from a remembering point of view, but certainly better that being awake at 4 am. In general, when I have managed to do so, it has made a difference as you can see from above.

I am not looking forward to this weekend, as I come off the steroid. I think there are withdrawal symptoms from this. I am generally very tired for the weekend and into the Monday and it has really been the Tuesday of the next week before I start to feel a bit more human again, but this is the last time (just keep repeating it to yourself, Graham).

that is enough for now,
back soon

God bless


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